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We have 6,000 m2 of warehouses, divided between loading and unloading areas, handling warehouse, cold rooms and offices.
The handling warehouse is in turn divided into two areas, one for carrot processing, where the use of water is required, and the other for handling the rest of the products that do not need washing. In this second area we have two lines for handling products destined for the fresh market. We have six cold rooms, both for receiving the product from the field and for preserving the product once it has been handled, assuming a total of 2,000 m2 between the six.



Pol. Ind. Las Marismas, parc. 8 a 11
41740 Lebrija (Sevilla)
GPS 360 56’ 28’’ ; -60 5’ 59’’
Tel +34 955 97 09 90
Fax +34 955 97 09 30